Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Investigators, Sunshine and (Polar) Bears, Oh My!

Dear Family,

Love you!

Things are feeling better and better here in Omaha. It is getting warmer and  sunnier every day. You just can't help but feel more happy and hopeful with all of the sunshine outside. Transfers are this week. I am excited! Sister Askren and I have become really good friends this last week. We have been discussing lately what animals different sisters would have if everyone was given an animal companion that was with them their whole life as their sidekick/ friend. I would have a polar bear. Sister Askren would have a Pomeranian.

Last week, I was looking through a lot of the old records in our area book (most of the records are from more than 3 years ago). I found one that had an Elder Young on it. . . It was from 2006, which would be about right I think. It was kind of fun to see his name on it. I don't know if it was really the Elder Young, but I am going to assume that it is.

So last week, I probably mentioned that we had had a lesson with Carol, the friend of a member in the Oakview ward. We were teaching her for a while, but stopped when her mom put up some resistance. Carol stopped investigating for a little while to avoid any more conflict with her mom. A couple of weeks ago, she came to a homecoming in our ward and we starting talking to her again. The missionary who returned home, who knew Carol a little before his mission, gave his talk on the necessity of baptism and later talked to Carol more about it. I guess that jumpstarted her again and on Sunday, she asked us to come see her. We saw her that night and the next night we went back with the Singles Ward Elders (because she will be in the Winter Quarters Singles Ward). They have been teaching her since then, and she is getting baptized this Friday! Hooray! She is so amazing. She knows the Church is true and has decided that this is really what she wants. Her prayers are so sincere and she stopped smoking, etc. practically on her own. She is so awesome and is a great example for her family, especially her younger sister, Miriam. So, Carol is not technically a baptism for us, but I am counting it since I have been with her from the very beginning up until just a bit before her baptism. Now we just need to find an investigator to go to the baptism so that we can go.

We also have another investigator named Carla who we have been teaching for a while now, although we have only seen her 4-5 times. We also saw her on Monday night. We had not seen her in about a month. It was completely different than any other lesson we have taught her. She finally just got it! Everything was making sense and she was finally seeing how this can help her. We were able to set her for baptism and she was so willing to accept. She knows that this is what she needs right now. It is amazing to see. The only problem is that she does work a lot as a nurse, so it is difficult to meet with her very regularly, but slowly we will get her there. What was really neat to see was that even though we did not intend to not see her for that large amount of time, it was exactly what needed to happen. She just needed some time to come to those realizations on her own so that now she is ready to progress. Things are starting to move ahead very well in the Oakview Ward and I can just feel that there are more good things coming.

Also a few weeks ago, we met a man named Patrick in the parking lot of an apartment building where we have been teaching a few different people. We taught him a lesson right there while he was sitting in his car talking to us out the window. He had recently been fired from his job and was in the process of looking for a new one, but wasn't having too much luck. We promised him that if he would read a passage of the Book of Mormon that we left with him, he would find a new job before the end of the week. He wouldn't give us any of his information, but we left him with our phone number and he said he would call us if something happened. Later, Sister Askren realized that she had written down the wrong phone number on the card, so we thought our only hope to find him again would be to tract the whole building where he lives and pray that he would be home. Yesterday, about a month later, we were at those same apartment buildings trying to visit a less active member of our ward, but no one was home. As we walked out to our car to leave, we saw a car pull into the same parking stall where we had met Patrick. It was him! We yelled after him across the parking lot and went to talk to him. He had read the section of the Book of Mormon we had left with him and had gotten a job the very next day. It was amazing. Unfortunately, though, he kept trying to blame it on coincidence and just didn't feel like this was something he wanted to pursue right now. Even though he could clearly see that this could help him, he just didn't want to put forth the effort. That is one of the hardest parts of missionary work. When someone really needs the gospel (well, everyone does) and have seen the blessings from it in their lives, but just don't want to put forth the effort. They think it is just too hard. It is hard to see happen, but God gives people opportunities and it is their choice to accept or reject it. That doesn't make it easy though.

Well, those are the highlights (or lowlights) of the week. As usual, I cannot figure out what happened to the rest of the week, but I am sure that it was good too.

Love You!

Sister Lamb

Sister Melanie had a very special visitor at the Trail Center today and she brought a hug from Sister Lamb's mom. Thanks, Sharon!

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